Afsaana Dance

Afsaana Dance
19 Feb 2014


Anybody who loves to dance and wants to have fun should go check out Afsaana dance!! Geeta is a fantastic choreographer, teacher and dancer!! She has this contagious energy which will make you forget about how your day has been and fill you with positive energy. From beginning level of Bollywood dances to more professional, she will not disappoint you! I had first seen Geeta perform with her troup two years ago with a different group. Her performance was creative, absorbing and beautiful!! When my husband and I decided to perform a bollywood number for our wedding, we knew exactly who to ask for help. Yes, she does private classes too :) and the best part is part of the money goes to charity! I gave her a very short notice with my song and time. I literally called her in the afternoon for a session that very night. Its amazing how she came up with a routine in a matter of hours with a perfect plan for my husband and me. Everybody absolutely loved our performance and energy that went into it!!!

Located in Versatile Arts Studio 7601 Greenwood Ave N , Seattle
(206) 390-7581
Not Avaliable



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