Hanuman Nagri is manage by Shree Sanatan Dharam Ramayan Mandali (SSDRM) a non-for-profit organization. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has granted the Organization exemption from federal income taxes under Section 501(c) (3) of Internal Revenue Code as an Organization formed to promote and offer spiritual services relating to Hindu religion. SSDRM has been in existence for at least 19 years and has been actively involved in the community by promoting cultural festivities such is Holi Nite, Deepawali Nite, Ram Naumi, Krishan Astmi, Shiv Ratri and Bhajan Samelans and Ramayan and Kirtan sessions.
SSDRM has a strong group of members that actively participate in support of the abovementioned festivities. SSDRM has utmost respect for all mandli’s, cultures and religion, and operates with the vision to provide spiritual services to those who believe in Hinduism. Our services and invitation extends to all other cultures and religion without seeking to interfere in any shape or form of those organizations mission and vision. All services provided by the members to SSDRM are free. With the dedication and hard work of each member SSDRM has been very successful in organizing festivities such as Holi Nite and Deepawali functions every year after year.